The interfacing of analytical instrumentation to small computers for the purpose of on-line data acquisition has now become almost standard practice in the modern chemistry laboratory. Using widely-available, low-cost microcomputers and off-the-shelf add-in components, it is now easier than ever to acquire large amounts of data quickly in digital form.
In what ways is
on-line digital data acquisition superior to the old methods such as the chart
recorder? Some of the advantages are obvious, such as archival storage and
retrieval of data and post-run replotting with adjustable scale expansion. Even
more important, however, there is the possibility of performing post-run data
analysis and signal processing. There are a large number of computer-based
numerical methods that can be used to reduce noise, improve the resolution of
overlapping peaks, compensate for instrumental artifacts, test hypotheses,
optimize measurement strategies, diagnose measurement difficulties, and
decompose complex signals into their component parts. These techniques can
often make difficult measurements easier by extracting more information from
the available data. Many of these techniques are based on laborious
mathematical procedures that were not practical before the advent of computerized
instrumentation. It is important for chemistry students to appreciate the
capabilities and the limitations of these modern signal processing techniques.