12. Deconvolution is used here
to remove the distorting influence of an exponential tailing response function
from a recorded signal (Window 1, top left) that is the result of an
unavoidable RC low-pass filter action in the electronics. The response function
(Window 2, top right) is usually either calculated on the basis of some
theoretical model or is measured experimentally as the output signal produced
by applying an impulse
(delta) function to the input of the system. The response function, with its
maximum at x=0, is deconvoluted from the original signal . The result (bottom,
center) shows a closer approximation to the real shape of the peaks; however,
the signal-to-noise ratio is unavoidably degraded.
Note that this process in figure 12 has an effect
that is visually similar to resolution
enhancement, although the later is done without knowledge of the broadening
function that caused the peaks to overlap.
Figure 13. A different application of the deconvolution function is
to reveal the nature of an unknown data transformation function that has been
applied to a data set by the measurement instrument itself. In this example,
Window 1 (top left) is a uv-visible absorption spectrum recorded from a
commercial photodiode array spectrometer (X-axis: nanometers; Y-axis:
milliabsorbance). Window 2 (top right) is the first derivative of this spectrum
produced by an (unknown) algorithm in the software supplied with the
spectrometer. The signal in the bottom left is the result of deconvoluting the
derivative spectrum (top right) from the original spectrum (top left). This
therefore must be the convolution function used by the differentiation
algorithm in the spectrometer's software. Rotating and expanding it on the
x-axis makes the function easier to see (bottom right). Expressed in terms of
the smallest whole numbers, the convolution series is seen to be +2, +1, 0, -1,
-2. This simple example of "reverse engineering" would make it
easier to compare results from other instruments or to duplicate these result
on other equipment.
When applying
deconvolution to experimental data, to remove the effect of a known broadening
or low-pass filter operator caused by the experimental system, a very serious
signal-to-noise degradation commonly occurs. Any noise added to the signal by
the system after the broadening or low-pass filter operator will be
greatly amplified when the Fourier transform of the signal is divided by the
Fourier transform of the broadening operator, because the high frequency
components of the broadening operator (the denominator in the division of the
Fourier transforms) are typically very small, resulting in a great
amplification of high frequency noise in the resulting deconvoluted signal.
This can be controlled but not completely eliminated by smoothing and by
constraining the deconvolution to a frequency region where the signal has a
sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio.
Note: The term "deconvolution" is sometimes also
used for the process of resolving or decomposing a set of overlapping peaks
into their separate components by the technique of iterative least-squares curve fitting of a putative peak model to the data set. The
process is actually conceptually distinct from deconvolution, because in
deconvolution the underlying peak shape is unknown but the broadening function
is assumed to be known; whereas in iterative least-squares curve fitting
the underlying peak shape is assumed to be known but the broadening
function is unknown.
* If you know that
mx = n, where m and n are
known but x is unknown, then x = n/m.
Conversely if you know that m convoluted with
x = n, where m and n are
known but x is unknown, then x = m deconvoluted
from n.
** Fourier
transforms are usually expressed in terms of complex numbers, with real and
imaginary parts. If the Fourier transform of the first signal is a + ib,
and the Fourier transform of the second signal is c + id, then the ratio
of the two Fourier transforms is
a + ib
ac + bd bc - ad
_________ = _________ + i _________
c + id c2 + d2 c2 + d2
_________ = _________ + i _________
c + id c2 + d2 c2 + d2
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